Self-imposed comics rehab, day 20

Made it! Another Inkspill comic.

You wouldn’t think this was a hard one to do, but that first panel is the result of three attempts. Again, in the interest of time, I worked my way through a tricky angle. It’s my job to use my free time to study that particular head position. I’d say it turned out okay, though.

This comic is cleaner than yesterday’s. I made it a point to not overwork anything, so now I get a little bit of a cleaner look while still maintaining that sketchy look.

My hand did start to hurt, but then I remember to stop, relax, stretch, and return to the paper a little looser. I think perhaps it’s the thickness of the pen holder, which is actually fairly big (I’m using a Deleter holder) and the fact that I’m squeezing the fulcrum with my thumb, forefinger, and middle finger too much. When I’m drumming, I distribute the work amongst all my fingers, so when I put the burden on my “triad” for too long, it tends to hurt. That’s the current theory, anyway.

This ends four weeks of comics rehab for me, and I dare say it’s working. I’m beginning to think that maybe I don’t need to go through rehab anymore and I can just get up at 7:00 AM every weekday to work on comics and, instead of documenting every day, I can start documenting significant days. I’ll give myself the weekend to think about it. I will admit that the decision to include a post about the day’s work is a bit of a motivator.

The important thing to learn from this rehab is that one must stick to a schedule and do nothing else during the time allotted. If all one can afford is an hour, make comics for an hour – no more, no less. This helps to develop a specific regimen and supports good time management. However, I admit that, while I did usually draw for an hour, the post usually takes me at least 15 minutes more than the allotted time, meaning the time spent on comics-related activity is over an hour. Perhaps I’ll just allot myself an hour-and-a-half to spend the last half hour doing whatever it is I need to do.

I wonder what kind of rehab I can put myself through to help me pick a project?

Today’s comics was done with a dip pen (G-pen nib), Koh-I-Noor black ink, and a Faber-Castell pen brush on Strathmore Series 500 bristol board

This is an Inkspill. Inkspills can only be done in ink and must be drawn, scanned, cleaned, and posted in one hour, no more.

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