NaNoWriMo – the final update

MS Word says I have 29,276 words completed (okay, so I didn’t get to write very much today). NaNoWriMo says I have 29,266 words. In either case, I’m happy that I’ve gotten this far into the novel. I can’t wait to finish it.

NaNoWriMo… the final day

It’s 3:38 PM, Pacific Standard Time, on 11-30-2008. At 11:59 PM I will need to have written 50,000 words to “win” this years National Novel Writing Month. That’s not going to happen. I’m just under 29,244 words, which means I’ve got just over 20,000 more words to go. If I sat down and typed non-stop all the way until 11:59, made no edits, didn’t look back, and just typed, I might be able to come close. … Read More

The novel writing continues

So, I’m currently at 25,407 words, which means I’m very far behind. And this being Thanksgiving week, I may not have enough time to finish all 50,000 words and get all my other stuff done. But, the good thing is, I like the story. It’s become a kind of prequel to a graphic novel project I’ve jotted down on my to-do list, which means that I’ll have a lot of material to draw from when I’m … Read More

Inkspill: 11-10-2008

click on the image to show at “full” size Done with a .08 Micron marker that was running out of ink. I cheated on this one. I drew this yesterday but posted it today… but everything was done in under a total hour’s time. 😉 — This is an Inkspill. Inkspills can only be done in ink and must be drawn, scanned, cleaned, and posted in one hour, no more.

And as I started my NaNoWriMo novel…

When I went to save my work, Word quit on me for no reason other than it’s a Microsoft product. And, of course, I didn’t know I didn’t have the auto-save feature turned off, so the last 45 minutes of writing what I thought was a good way to start is gone forever. Thankfully, I remember most of what I’d written, and I took some notes along the way. Hopefully this is not an omen.


A few days ago, I signed up for National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo) for the first time. Check it out. The goal is to write a 50,000-word novel in the month of November. I figure it’d be a good challenge for me: it’s a chance to “force” myself to get a larger creative project done on a deadline. Hopefully this will serve as a motivator for me to make more time for large creative projects as … Read More

Finally… I’m mature?

Starting in high school, I started to learn as much as I could about the process of making comics. I had drawn many strips since elementary school, and started drawing my own comics in high school, but learning about the actual process was something I actively set out to do. I read Wizard Magazine (back when it was worth reading), read as many interviews as I could get my hands on, and whatever books I had … Read More


So… I’ve been trying to organize the comics projects I want to do, and I have a number of ideas, like always. Now, I have to make time to sit down and work… and yes, “make time” is the phrase I need to be using; we don’t find time, we make time, as I see it. I just started to organize my drawing area, as well. I sure could use more space, but I’ll deal with … Read More

This ends… now.

I’ve been away from comics, both as a reader and a creator, for about a year now. I’ve posted about this hiatus before, and I’ve also stated that I’ve missed comics every single day since this hiatus begin. And while the hiatus was necessary for a few specific reasons (which I will keep to myself), it’s ridiculous that I didn’t end it sooner, which was the original plan. Well, it ends now. I may not show … Read More

I’m Still Here

I’m still here. I haven’t updated my site or been involved in comics – creating or reading – since August 21, 2007. That’s 5, long, agonizing months. There is good reason for this, but I won’t bore anyone with the details except to say that I became self-employed around that time (amongst other reasons). Yes, I will be getting back to comics soon, but there are a number of things that need to be taken care … Read More

Good job, Aqua Teen Hunger Force

Read this article about the promotion for the upcoming Aqua Teen Hunger Force movie, first. Done? Good. Anyone who comes up with a promotion involving fake bombs placed through a major city is a dumbass. Want a more logical, sophisticated response? Fine. Anyone who comes up with a promotion involving fake bombs placed through a major city is incredibly unaware, insensitive, and does not understand the current societal mindset and its affect on human nature at … Read More

Falsely adaptive

I have found that, as adaptable as I can be, sometimes I am falsely adaptive… that is, I adapt by letting my situation depict my behavior, even if that behavior is illogical, non-beneficial, and disruptive. Take my job, for instance. I work for a pretty liberal e-commerce site, the name of which I will withhold (though you can read about the Sacramento corporation’s bankruptcy in the papers). It is completely unprofessional here. I have always considered … Read More

Star Wars fans… quit complaining!

Many have given Lucas a lashing for releasing and re-releasing and re-releasing and re-releasing Star Wars, complaining that he’s just gouging his fans for their money by releasing edition after edition after edition. And I say… …so what? He’s a businessman and a filmmaker. He makes his films with the money he collects from his licensing properties. He knows for a fact that whatever he releases he’s going to make money. Why? Because someone’s buying his … Read More

Congratulations! It’s a wedding!

I don’t usually draw mainstream superheroes-in-tights very much nowdays, so I don’t get to draw like this very often. However, my friends Kevin and Christina are getting married in October, and Kevin wanted them both to be superheroes for a “portrait”-in-frame piece they’re using as their guestbook. This is what I came up with: click on image for larger view Kev and Christina needed to look “superhero-ish,” so I went for a very clean, tight inking … Read More

It’s Daredevil!

(click on the image for a larger view in a new window) Daredevil, for you kids who are behind the times. I needed a card for a birthday gift I was giving and didn’t have one. I was giving the ol’ gal (sorry Toni) a copy of the Daredevil: Director’s Cut DVD and wanted to include a copy of the Daredevil Visionaries: Frank Miller Vol. 2 collection. She loves super-hero movies but owns no comics, so … Read More

Cristal Champagne and Jay-Z

Not everything is racist, so put away the race card until it can actually make a good hand. I’m not going to make a judgement on who is right or who is wrong in this Cristal Champagne/Jay-Z issue (in which Jay-Z is urging the Hip-Hop community to boycott the champagne) until I read the article in question. (Agenda Inc. pointed to this Yahoo! URL as a copy of Jay-Z’s press release. If there is a more … Read More


Welcome to the new Legend House! While you’re here, check out: My two short stories at The Velvet Goat, an online comic anthology started by Jim Lujan and Justin Stewart, featuring stories by Mr. Lujan, Jeff Elden, Matt Leong, David Hopkins, TJ Colligan, Oliver Tull, and Gras Rodriguez. My stories are I Don’t Wear Love Goggles and Why?. (while you’re at it, check out Jeff Elden’s Because, a “sequel,” to Why?. Made me laugh my ass … Read More

Polite cell phones, dumbass users

Apparently, polite cell phones are being developed that will learn when it’s an appropriate time to ring. For example, the phone will know that it’s not okay to ring when you’re in church on Sunday mornings. OR… People could just learn how to turn off their ringer at the appropriate times.
