December 2023
Written by Travis Corwin, Illustrated by Phillip Ginn
Buy the book here
Finale is a 28-page short story about a woman traveling the country after a post-apocalyptic event renders the world’s technology completely dead. She’s on a mission to deliver a unique message of hope, she has no idea the kind of twists she’ll encounter.
Travis’ post-apocalyptic story is unique. It’s not dystopian. It’s not dark and gloomy. It’s more light-hearted adventure than violent survival-of-the-fittest… up to a point. But it is also a contemplation, inspired by Travis’ time as a creative during the 2020 COVID pandemic. This book is an adventure story, but also a story about art.
From Travis’ Gumroad store:
In the aftermath of an apocalyptic event, a lone woman named Ása must venture across the dangerous landscape to deliver a mysterious message. But when a figure from her past emerges to threaten the mission, how far will she go in the name of hope?
Finale is a 28-page one-shot comic written by Travis Corwin and illustrated by Phillip Ginn. With twisty, Twilight Zone-esque revelations and moral quandaries, it’s a story that’s sure to keep you guessing… and stick with you long after you finish reading.
Click on the image below to read at full size.
The Stalkersnatch
February 2023
Buy the book here
Done in the spirit of Roald Dahl, Tim Burton’s The Nightmare Before Christmas, Neil Gaiman’s Coraline, and Edward Gorey, this picturebook is an all-ages horror story about the perils of becoming the thing we hate.
Click on the image below to read at full size.
Wolf Punks
October 2021
Written by Garrett Benningfield, Penciled and Lettered by Dave Law, Inked and Color Toned by Phillip Ginn
When Dave Law asked if I’d be his inker and colorist for a horror/sci-fi graphic novel (it’s also a love story), I of course said yes. The story is about a couple trying to get out of a bad job situation in the middle of a werewolf pandemic.
In 2023, the book got picked up by indie publisher Lesser Known Comics. Shown below is the new cover plus sample pages.
Click on the image below to read at full size.
Wrong Magnetic Poles
Spring 2020
Buy the book here
Wrong Magnetic Poles, a fictional three-piece alternative rock band from the 1990’s. On the eve of a new century, WMP is on the verge of playing their biggest concert to date as each bandmember struggles with their own personal demons. Three stories of nostalgia, hallucination, and surrealism brought to you by four creative minds.
The magic of this book comes the creative teams not knowing what the others’ stories were going to be, only that each chapter would take the reader through rehearsal, pre-show, and show. The entire books reads seamlessly, each story centering around one of the band members.
Below are samples not only from my chapter, but also the other chapters by my friends and collaborators.
Frog’s Story: I Wanna Be Your Joey Ramone
Written by Chris Calzia, Art by Dylan Ricards
Hey, That’s My Guitar!
Written and Illustrated by Dave Law
The New Song
Written and Illustrated by Phillip Ginn. Titles and Lyrics Lettering by Fiona Sin
Cover by Dave Law (illustration) and Phillip Ginn (color and design).
Click on the image below to read at full size.
That Fighter Girl: One Night’s Fight
January – March 2017

This story is part of the collection,
A Timeline Of Shorts. Buy the book here
Between January and March 2017, I started an improv comic. I wrote and drew an unplanned comic page a week. After Week 19, I’d decided I liked the concept of That Fighter Girl too much to hack out what I considered to be uncrafted pages.
I took the first 11 pages, which is fairly self-contained, and titled it as the short story, One Night’s Fight.
I have a larger, complete story planned. One day, I’ll return to Sabrina Chan’s adventures as a feisty fighter beating up bad dudes much bigger than her.
Click on the image below to read at full size.
Fighting David Parrot
December 2009
Written by David Hopkins, Illustrated by Phillip Ginn
I wanted to collaborate with someone. I thought it would be a good way to recharge my comics-drawing batteries. Plus, it holds me accountable to somone else.
This is a great story about being cruel for no good reason and the potential lesson learned from it.
Click on the image below to read at full size.
Omnipotent Me
March – August 2007

This story is part of the collection,
A Timeline Of Shorts. Buy the book here
I thought it’d be fun to do a strip that revolved around a main character simultaneously living in his own world and the real world. The characters are very, very loosely based on people I know in real life, including myself.
The only reason I stopped doing the strip is because I’d become self-employed towards the last few strips and had very little time to keep it up. In restrospect, I wish I kept it going, but I clearly wasn’t ready to do so. I’d like to revisit this concept someday.
Everything is shown in order of publication.
Click on the image below to read in a lightbox.
October 2005
Originally published on

This story is part of the collection,
A Timeline Of Shorts. Buy the book here
My second Velvet Goat contribution. A silly musing on the concepts of reason and meaning.
Obviously, the drawing took a backseat to the storytelling here. I wanted something super simple but with a bit of cartoony charm. I had fun drawing it, and I still like looking at it.
My friend, Jeff Elden, himself a wonderful cartoonist, drew a response to this entitled, Because. If I can find it, I’ll post it here (I have his permission).
Click on the image below to read at full size.
I Don’t Wear Love Goggles
August 2005
Originally published on

This story is part of the collection,
A Timeline Of Shorts. Buy the book here
In 2005, some friends I’d met on the Fanboy Radio Fanboards and I decided to start an online anthology called The Velvet Goat. I made two contributions, and this is one of them.
I like allegory. I like telling fictional stories that have something deeper hidden within. I used this opportunity to tell a love story that discussed some relationship insecurities. The sentiment of this story is less hidden than I normally like to have, so I was a little nervous to share it. The good response from readers made me happy.
Click on the image below to read at full size.